Anise Garabet, a distinguished civil engineer and seismologist, has built a remarkable career spanning diverse fields, from aerospace engineering to cultural leadership and entrepreneurship. His contributions to both professional and community endeavors demonstrate his dedication to advancing technology, fostering cultural heritage, and supporting economic development.


  • Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering, New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT), 1978
  • Master’s Degree in Seismology, University of Southern California (USC), 1980

Professional Certifications

  • Registered Professional Civil Engineer, State of California, since 1982

Career Highlights

  • NASA’s Space Shuttle Program, Rockwell International (1979–1984)
    • Successfully tested the Thermal Protection System for the space shuttle
    • Received an award from Columbia’s first mission astronauts, John Young and Robert Crippen
  • Founder and CEO, Golden Pacific Jewelry (1984–present)
    • Acquired Golden State Jewelry in 2010, expanding operations in the Los Angeles Downtown Jewelry District

Community Involvement

  • World Lebanese Cultural Union (WLCU)
    • Joined in 1973; World President from 2005 to 2007
    • Successfully obtained NGO status for WLCU at the United Nations
    • Organized and participated in numerous UN conferences on Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • Founder, House of Lebanon, Los Angeles (2000), Served on the Board of Directors until 2018
  • Board Member, Lebanese American Renaissance Foundation (LARP) since 2007
  • Cultural Contributions: Led the WLCU team in donating a statue of Gibran Khalil Gibran to the City of Los Angeles in 2014

Awards and Honors

  • Numerous awards from WLCU-affiliated institutions in the U.S., Canada, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Great Britain, Australia, and South Africa
  • Man of the Year, LA Lebanese Kataeb Gala, 2007
  • Annual Humanitarian Award, WLCU California Ladies Organization, 2014

Personal Background

  • Family: Married to Leila Tohme since 1983; father to Margaret, Pauline, and Jonathan
  • Interests: Jewelry design, writing Lebanese poetry, playing the piano
  • Languages: Fluent in five languages