Ferris Wehbe is a dedicated community leader and entrepreneur with a profound commitment to social service, civic engagement, and the betterment of his community. His diverse experiences and relentless advocacy have made significant impacts in Hollywood and beyond.
Early Life and Education
- Born: Lebanon, 1957
- Immigrated to the U.S.: 1974, due to the Lebanese Civil War
Career Highlights
Co-Founder and Operator, F&D Properties (since 1983)
- Invested in Hollywood real estate during times of decline
- Operated the acclaimed Hollywood Schoolhouse, a national model for creative K-6 education
Community Leadership:
- Hollywood Sentinels Neighborhood Watch: Co-founded in 1988 to combat local crime
- Hollywood Youth Charities: Founding member, raised over $300,000 for youth activities
- Hollywood Police Activities League: Increased membership from 25 to 1,300 children
- Hollywood Youth Collaborative: Launched to provide after-school activities
- Hollywood Beautification Team: Founded in early 1990s to clean and beautify neighborhoods
Business Improvement Districts:
- Hollywood Media District, BID: Founder and board member since 2000
- Hollywood Redevelopment Project: Co-Chair, overseeing a 1,107-acre plan to revitalize Hollywood
Political and Civic Engagement
Hollywood VOTE: President, led the initiative for Hollywood cityhood with 38,000 signatures
Los Angeles Beirut Sister City Committee: Chairman, fostering cultural and business exchanges between LA and Beirut
Rotary International District 5280: Senior Assistant Governor, chartered three new clubs and raised funds for international projects
Eric Garcetti’s Super PAC, Lots of People Who Support Eric Garcetti: Finance Chair, raised $2.4 million in 90 days
Measure M: Co-Chair, supporting a tax increase for improved public transportation in LA
Board Memberships and Current Roles
- Hollywood Chamber PAC: Board Member
- The Getty House Foundation: Treasurer
- Central Hollywood Neighborhood Council: Vice President
- Hollywood Community Police Advisory Board: Co-Chair
- World Lebanese Cultural Union: Advisor to the President
- Los Angeles Cedars Rotary: Treasurer
- House of Lebanon: Board Member
- Media Business Improvement District: Board Member
Personal Life
- Family: Married to Debbie since 1983; four children (Ethan, Eric, Laila, Nadia) and two grandchildren (Rocco, Kingsley)
- Hobbies: Hiking in Griffith Park and walking through Hollywood