In an effort to find solutions to end the state of war skirmishes on the Lebanese and Israeli borders and contribute to the implementation of International Resolution 1701, without neglecting to explore possible ways to encourage the election of a president for the Lebanese Republic, and without there being any correlation between the presidential and border files. It is not possible to talk about a new role played by the US Senior Presidential Advisor Amos Hockstein, but rather about the beginning of American preparations discussing the idea of strengthening and expanding his current mission to include political aspects in addition to sponsoring negotiations aimed at reaching a border truce between Israel and Lebanon, which is still considered a fundamental issue. It is his responsibility, in addition to being responsible for examining ways to reach a demarcation solution for the land borders and deciding on controversial points on the geographical map between the two sides.

Additional details of Hockstein’s political role have not been refined yet, while Al-Nahar learned that recent deliberations with American advisors in the White House indicated preparations for him to assume a political coordination role with the “Five-Year Committee” within the criteria that the latter had established, starting with its efforts aimed at ending the vacancy of Presidential Council, with an American emphasis on the seriousness taken in discussing the best ways to help Lebanon.

These data resulted from a recent tour conducted by the Lebanese American Coordination Committee (LACC) in the United States after extensive meetings it held with the administration. Meetings were held with the American administration and the Arab League ambassador in Washington, then it moved to New York to meet with the United Nations. Missions of member states of the UN Security Council, include France, England, Ireland and Slovenia, as well as the Middle East Department in the Office of the Secretary-General of the United Nations for Political and Peace building Affairs. Speakers at the US State Department said during the meetings, according to the data, that no component can change the presidential standards established by the “Five-Year Committee.” They pointed out the importance of the arrival of a moderate “profile” to the Lebanese presidency that seeks to implement the constitution and international resolutions and implement good deeds.

Empowering the Lebanese Army and strengthening UNIFIL forces constitute the most immediate foundations for a renewed phase with members of the UN Security Council for the current purpose. Based on recent data learned by An-Nahar, the Americans began to discuss ways to implement Resolution 1701 and possible mechanisms with the aim of strengthening the army and UNIFIL forces. Some private views of diplomats connected to the Security Council expressed the necessity of formulating International Resolution 1701 and completing attempts to convince the Israeli side that implementing the resolution contributes to the stability of the international borders. The tour of the “Lebanese Coordination Committee for the Northern Settlements and the US Military Strike” confirmed the international interest in the situation in Lebanon and the work to neutralize it from conflicts, while paying attention to the moderate and diverse liberal situation it represents in the region that the international community needs.

It is a fundamental freedom that resulted from the round, starting with the absence of any deal, which led the candidate of the “resistance” axis to say that there are data of the atmosphere circulating in some internal Lebanese political corridors. The presidency of the republic in exchange for Hezbollah’s withdrawal is not a border dispute.
The chances of the “Hezbollah” candidate have advanced, and there is even a correction against the absence, that is, a correlation between the presidency and the borders. It appears that the conclusions of American researchers in worthy research centers are based on the consideration that the coexistence between the de facto forces and the Lebanese state prevents the implementation of Resolution 1701.

While the signals of American researchers previously considered that the Iranian arm in the region must be solved. It is the one that must be confronted and reduced in the region after its current starting points express that the problem centers on Iran’s influence specifically. Tehran used its religious ideology in military campaigns. The main slogan adopted by American researchers is to confront the militarization of religions in politics. Permanent missions in the UN Security Council also spoke about the Iranian problem in the region, which currently requires different policies to deal with it.

The radical implementation of International Resolution 1701 is the thrust of the tour, with ideas being raised in some American corridors about cooperation with international partners in southern Lebanon with executive mechanisms to support 5,000 additional soldiers on the ground. The details of the arrangements for border negotiations to reach the demarcation of the southern land border between Lebanon and Israel are not yet clear. This includes a proposal to rehabilitate the Lebanese Army in terms of equipment and equipment. As long as Hockstein’s proposals are still in their beginnings, with the aim of calming the borders and then looking into ways of demarcation.

In the general conclusion of the deliberations, there is an emphasis on the importance of neutralizing Lebanon from the comprehensive war and the necessity of implementing Resolution 1701 and supporting the Lebanese army, which goes hand in hand between the presidency and the borders. It is not possible to extend the sovereignty of the Lebanese state and elect an independent, sovereign, reformist president while refusing to ignore any international concern about the possibility of the conflict expanding, which exacerbates the risks.

There is a diligent diplomatic effort to spare Lebanon from any Israeli strike, provided that the Lebanese and Israeli sides commit to implementing Resolution 1701. The goal is that the Lebanese Army have sovereignty over all Lebanese territory and that a President of the Republic can be elected within a democratic constitutional process that respects the interests of the Lebanese people and Lebanon’s national security and stability. Most importantly, it was emphasized to support the Lebanese Army, with the conviction of the qualifications and capabilities that it possesses to perform fully as members of the armed forces, away from any partnership with an illegal weapon outside the jurisdiction of the state. The Iranian diplomats’ gesture was a signal to destabilize the Security Council through its mechanism to destabalize the Middle East by its militarized arms and it’s ideology that destroys nations.